Bespoke city walks with a local architect

Join our friend Riccardo for a relaxed city walk as he'll introduce you to the history and architecture of his beloved city through three stunning itinieraries, providing you with a complete portrait and understanding of the many facets of wonderful Rome. 

Often referred to as an outdoor museum, the streets of Rome are home to some of the city’s finest art, densely packed with world renown masterpieces. The centro storico was made for carefree strolling, with a myriad of cobbled footpaths and picturesque piazzas, lined by buzzing pavement-side cafés. Baroque churches, fountains and palazzos built during the Renaissance are scattered around, adding to the oh-so-Roman charm that abounds.

Our three itineraries were designed by Riccardo exclusively to our guests, each of them concentrating on a different era and area within the city centre - you can pick the one you like most or even set up a combination of the three.

NOTES: Starting time as it fits you best - recommended times are in the morning or early afternoon. You can book your itineraries through the below form and settle payment during your stay.

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Ancient Rome and Colosseum

2h - 130€

Piazza Venezia, Vittoriano, Altare della Patria - Campidoglio - Foro Romano - Fori Imperiali - Colosseum

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The city tour, the centre of Rome

2,5h - 150€

Piazza Barberini - Fontana del Tritone - Trevi Fountain -Tempio di Adriano - Chiesa di Sant Ignazio in Loyola - Pantheon - Piazza Navona - Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

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Jewish Ghetto, Trastevere

2,5h - 150€

Teatro Marcello - Portico D'Ottavia - Jewish Ghetto - The Shynagouge - Campo de Fiori market - Palazzo Farnese - Chiesa della Santa Maria in Trastevere


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